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Simulation and Testing Simulation and Testing
New construction of data centers are complex environments, requiring significant coordination between trades.

New construction of data centers are complex environments, requiring significant coordination between trades.

Start-up and commissioning are critical path activities that highlight errors in installation, configuration, or programming. Start-up and commissioning failures lead to delays and the potential for existing systems to go off-line.

Simulation and testing capabilities move configuring, startup and commissioning to an advanced state and mitigate risks that delay or affect uptime performance.

In a simulated environment, instrumentation and control configuration is brought to life and the configuration plan carefully mapped to account for every step. Entire systems are taken through full commissioning scripts in a simulation environment before they ever reach the site. The ability to visualize and account for challenges during the simulation delivers a more streamlined and successful implementation.
Improve start-up and commissioning of mission critical data centers with simulation and testing
Reduced delays
Streamlined implementation
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