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Caltrol Mission & Values


The development of our mission, vision, and purpose statement was an integral part of our comprehensive corporate rebranding project undertaken in 2022. Originally, our plan was to create three separate statements. However, to ensure a more inclusive and collaborative approach, we extended invitations to additional Caltrol collaborators to join us in this important task. Through this collective effort, we arrived at one, unified statement, which encapsulates our shared aspirations and ambitions as a company. 

We are proud of our unwavering dedication to accepting changes that come with forward flow and maintaining momentum. We consistently make progress as we strive towards growth and innovation. Our aim is to maintain this forward momentum as we forge ahead on our mission to meet the evolving needs of our customers and make a positive impact on the world. 

Overall, our mission, vision, and purpose statement embodies our renewed focus and serves as a guiding compass for our company’s path towards success and meaningful contributions. 

Core Values

In 2022, we began working on updating our corporate core values in order to more accurately capture the spirit and culture of our employee-owned company. We believe that employee involvement is crucial in the development of core values for any organization, which is why we involved all Caltrol employees in the selection process through an internal survey. Participants voted and shared their feedback for each proposed value, and our leadership team finalized the list of six you see today. By giving our team a voice in selecting and shaping the values, we ensured confidence in knowing that these values are authentic and resonate with who we are.
These values represent the traits we wish to embody in our treatment of one another, our customers and all other stakeholders we interact with each day.