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Liquid Blending Liquid Blending
Over blending of high cost blend fluids, such as condensate, to reduce the density and viscosity of crude oil can contribute to a significant portion of a facility's operating costs.

Over blending of high cost blend fluids, such as condensate, to reduce the density and viscosity of crude oil can contribute to a significant portion of a facility's operating costs.

Blending skids are intended to reduce operating costs and meet delivery point contract requirements or crude oil standards required by receipt point pipelines.

Emerson's Micro Motion Coriolis technology provides custody transfer accuracy of flow and density from a single device. 

Density measurement is commonly used in the blending process to meet a specific density target of the two blended fluids with the end goal of maintaining a very tight accuracy of blend to minimize blending costs. The Micro Motion Viscometer can be used when the facility is blending to a defined maximum viscosity in order to meet delivery point and/or pipeline process fluid quality standards.
Meet delivery point requirements and/or pipeline quality standards
Reduce operating costs
Maintain accuracy of blend
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