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Public Address & General Alarm Systems Public Address & General Alarm Systems
Ensuring signals are seen, heard, and understood in a plant is key to maintaining safety.

Ensuring signals are seen, heard, and understood in a plant is key to maintaining safety.

Corrosive atmospheres, hazardous areas, high background noise, extreme temperatures, dust, and humidity all pose a threat to the proper functioning of your public address and general alarm system.

Regardless of the application – process control, plant safety, or emergency evacuation – our solutions are reliable and cost-effective. 

Federal Signal's state-of-the-art technology is engineered for tough, demanding industrial applications that require a public address system to oversee critical production processes and general alarm communications for safeguarding personnel facility-wide. As versatile as it is dependable, the system is compatible with a full range of industrial and commercial speaker options in low to high outputs.

Choose a reliable and cost-effective solution
Safeguard personnel facility-wide
Oversee critical production processes
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