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Shutdown, Turnarounds & Outage (STO) Support Services Shutdown, Turnarounds & Outage (STO) Support Services
Turnaround planning tends to be very ‘on-off’ in nature which can severely limit the ability to implement lessons learned or improvements in subsequent outages.

Turnaround planning tends to be very ‘on-off’ in nature which can severely limit the ability to implement lessons learned or improvements in subsequent outages.

As a result, the same work is performed on the same assets over and over, regardless of whether improvements or efficiencies are available.

Our team provides complete outage management support services for your valve and instrument maintenance needs. We offer a complete suite of services to help our Customers succeed in maintaining their schedule and budget for planned outages.

We can support outage coordination activities including scheduling, budgeting, communication, and change order management.

Specific activities include:

  • Outage planning support
  • Scope optimization
  • Logistics and execution support
  • Schedule and cost management planning
  • Supervison and quality control
  • OEM certified repair capability - onsite and depot
  • Ongoing improvement recommendations
Ensure comprehensive schedule management
Ensure nothing falls through the cracks
Rely on a key communicator who deals with suppliers, resources, and sub-contractors
Have questions, need help or just want to talk with the experts about your next project. Call Caltrol and let one of our subject matter experts help! We are here for you!