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Sustainability Sustainability


Breaking Ground Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow

We are excited to announce the release of Caltrol’s first Sustainability Report, which highlights our commitment to sustainability and the various areas of impact we target within our business framework. At Caltrol, sustainability is a cornerstone of our values, and we are proud to share our progress with you.
Within the report, you will find comprehensive updates and insights on sustainability program, addressing three key areas: Environmental, Social, and Governance. In each section, we outline our areas of focus and provide an overview of the measures we have taken to maintain momentum, and we have also included detailed updates on our progress. We invite you to explore the report to gain a deeper understanding of our sustainable practices.

Thank you for taking time to read our report.


From 2021 to 2022, our team worked diligently  to build and begin implementing a sustainability program that is not only impactful but also thoughtful, measurable, and achievable. Mirroring our largest principal partner, Emerson, we established a framework to help us make sound, data-driven decisions about our business and our impact on the world.
We are pleased to announce the release of our first sustainability statement. The statement includes an overview of our overall sustainability framework, details about our initiatives for environmental, social, and governance, goals, project highlights and more. For access to view and download the statement, please use the button below.

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